
How To Do Lead Generation In 2022

Lead generation is a crucial aspect of B2B marketing, but simply generating a large number of leads does not guarantee success. It’s important for marketers to have a robust lead qualification process in place to capture high quality leads that align with the company’s ideal buyer profile. Lead characterization, including analyzing demographic information and behavior patterns, can help determine which leads are most likely to convert. By improving their lead qualification process, B2B marketers can better focus their efforts on engaging with high-quality leads that are more likely to result in conversions and ultimately drive revenue growth.

Lead generation

The Importance of Quality Over Quantity

As marketers, it can be tempting to deliver as many leads as possible to the sales team in order to avoid missing out on high-quality opportunities. However, this strategy can lead to a major issue for sales reps – sifting through low-quality leads and limiting their time with ideal prospects. Focusing on content types and channels that consistently convert can help drive more qualified leads (MQLs) and reduce the need for the sales team to filter through a large number of leads. It may also be worth challenging widely held beliefs or notions about ideal buyers and targeting other potential segments that could result in success. By delivering higher quality leads, both marketing and sales teams are able to focus on closing deals and driving revenue growth.

Strategies for Improving Lead Quality

It’s no secret that not all leads are created equal. In fact, research shows that only 44% of marketing-qualified leads successfully pass through sales as potentially good fits for the buyer’s needs. One way to improve lead quality is by utilizing buyer intent data to identify those who have a genuine interest in your product or service. Another strategy is to utilize lead scoring, which takes into account variables such as behavior and demographics to prioritize leads and determine their level of readiness to buy. And for those high-quality leads, implementing an account-based marketing strategy can help drive more personalized and targeted outreach efforts, ultimately leading to greater success in converting these leads into customers. By utilizing these tactics, organizations can work towards ensuring they’re not wasting time and resources on unqualified leads but instead focusing their efforts on those with a higher likelihood of becoming successful customers.

Things to Avoid

While it’s important to have a process in place for qualifying leads, there are also a few things to avoid that can hinder success. One common mistake is not nurturing leads throughout the buyer’s journey. It’s important to keep leads engaged even if they’re not yet ready to purchase so that they don’t forget about your brand or move on to a competitor. Additionally, many organizations make the mistake of only focusing on top-of-the-funnel leads, but it’s important to consider middle-of-the-funnel and bottom-of-the-funnel leads as well. By expanding your focus beyond just those at the top of the funnel, you’re more likely to engage with high-quality leads that are further along in their buyer’s journey and closer to making a purchase.

Qualifying leads is essential for any B2B marketer looking to improve conversions and drive revenue growth. There are a number of ways to qualify leads, but it’s important to find what works best for your organization. By taking the time to analyze lead characteristics, employing account-based marketing tactics, and avoiding common mistakes, you can set your team up for success in qualifying high-quality leads that convert.

Collaboration between Marketing and Sales

Generating high-quality leads requires collaboration between the marketing and sales teams. First, it is important for both departments to agree on what qualifies as a high-quality lead in the first place. This can be based on specific buyer characteristics such as job title or industry, as well as the potential for sales revenue. Both teams should also regularly review their demand generation strategy and adjust targeting based on these criteria. By working together to identify and target the right prospective customers, companies can increase their chances of generating high-quality leads and ultimately closing deals.

Measuring the Effectiveness of Quality Lead Generation

When it comes to quality-based lead generation, it can be difficult to measure the effectiveness of your efforts. One way to track performance is to compare visitor to lead ratios, as well as the number of leads that turn into opportunities. Additionally, monitoring the time it takes for leads to convert can give insight into the effectiveness of your strategy. Utilizing CRM software can also help in tracking and analyzing data, providing valuable information for future improvement. Overall, there are a variety of methods for measuring the success of quality-based lead generation and using them can ultimately result in a more successful strategy.


Quality lead generation is essential for any business looking to improve their bottom line. By focusing on generating high-quality leads, companies can increase sales and drive revenue growth. There are a number of ways to generate quality leads, but it’s important to find what works best for your organization. Additionally, measuring the success of your efforts is crucial for making improvements in the future. By taking the time to analyze your lead generation strategy and make necessary adjustments, you can ensure that your team is focused on generating the best possible leads.


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